
Sustainability in figures – 2021

We are proud of what we have achieved together. Our online report informs you about our strategy, targets and results.
Learn more about the key figures for European real estate in following sections.

Which aspects are important to us with regard to European real estate?

Our partner Schroders – the asset manager of the investment group «Real Estate Europe Direct» – integrates economic, ecological and social aspects (ESG) throughout the life cycle of a real estate investment. Attention is paid especially to the reduction of the carbon footprint both in existing real estate and in new buildings. Active management of the energy consumption and of the greenhouse gas emissions has a positive impact on the sustainability balance of a building.

Energy-efficient real estate means lower operating costs, which the tenants benefit from as well. Measures to reduce energy consumption are instrumental in retaining existing tenants or concluding new leases. On a quarterly basis, the investment group «Real Estate Europe Direct» monitors the energy consumption and the energy efficiency of the real estate underlying the fund – though the operational responsibility for each individual property remains with the landlord or tenant.

ZAST Real Estate Europe Direct

The investment group invests in real estate outside Switzerland and focuses on directly held commercial properties in Europe's most attractive real estate markets. The fund follows a «core» or «core+» investment strategy, oriented strictly towards clearly identified regions and property uses.
More about the product.

Goals Greenhouse gas intensity Energy intensity Environmental indicators GRESB
Cuserpark property in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sustainability Report

Learn more about the key figures in Schroders' Sustainability Report.

Implemented projects

Shopping centre in Stockholm

Retail park, Stockholm

• «BREEAM In-Use» certification  
• Use of «Green Leases» 
• LED lighting 

Office building in Helsinki, Finland

Office building, Helsinki

• «BREEAM In-Use –  very good» certification
• Transition to green power 
• Use of  «Green Leases»  

Interior of a property in Paris

Office building, Paris 

• Building certification 
• HVAC/BMS maintenance and update 
• LED lighting 
• Installation of 2EV charging stations

Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodology

The environmentally relevant key figures on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions presented have been compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS), based on guidance from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, ISO 14064 and CDP (i.e. Carbon Disclosure Project). 

Data collection Emissions Surface Degree of coverage External assurance