Coins and a small plant

Sustainability in figures – 2023

We are proud of what we have achieved together. Our online report informs you about our strategy, targets and results.
Learn more about the key figures for equities in three sections:
of our asset managers
take ESG criteria into account in the investment process
of our asset managers
are signatories to the UN-PRI
active engagement dialogues
were held with companies

We measure our external asset managers on whether they integrate the following topics into the investment process when selecting equity investments:

  • environmental concerns (environmental)
  • socially responsible actions (social)
  •  sustainable corporate governance (governance) 
We closely monitor the selection of equities and review the ESG approach of each external asset manager.

How do we ensure the ESG discipline of our external asset managers?

On a regular basis, we review internal and external asset managers on their undertaken measures in the respective ESG disciplines. Depending on the result, we take targeted measures to implement our ESG integration standards.

The regular reports cover the topics of ESG integration and climate change:

ESG integration

  1. Application of the ESG criteria in the investment process
  2. Regular portfolio analysis for ESG risks
  3. Use of ESG-specific data to support the investment decision
  4. Direct ESG engagement with the management of invested company
  5. Regular training of employees
  6. Future plans for the integration of the criteria
  7. Regular review of the progress made with regard to the integration of the ESG criteria

Climate change

  1. Approach for the analysis of the risks and opportunities of climate change
  2. Analysis and assessment of stranded assets risks
  3. Engagement program focusing on stranded assets risks
  4. Consideration of climate issues in the exercise of voting rights


How can asset managers have a positive impact on corporate decisions?

Our external asset managers seek target-oriented dialog with the management of companies in which they invest our customers' assets. In this way, they exert a positive influence on the management and business practices. We attach great importance to this approach, which is in line with the Code of Conduct of the Zurich Insurance Group and supports the actions that our company as a whole strives to take.

Active engagement Focus climate change Focus ESG Engagement pool Climate Action

Our three-tier engagement approach is designed to ensure a focused dialogue with companies to raise awareness of ESG issues and to encourage steps towards improving their practices.

Find out more about our engagement approach.

Exercise of voting rights

How can shareholder voting rights give the corporate policy a positive turn?

An effective voting rights policy with systematic focus on ESG criteria effects changes at the corporate level and results in better investment decisions. It also promotes awareness of the relevance of sustainability.

Shareholder voting rights exist in Switzerland and abroad and are always exercised for the benefit of our customers. Within this process, the fund management of Zurich Invest Ltd exercises the shareholder rights and votes (on behalf of all investment groups with an underlying fund).

Voting rights by country by votes against by climate focus by votes against

An effective voting rights policy with systematic focus on ESG criteria effects changes at corporate level and results in better investment decisions by the companies in which our customers' assets are invested.

Find out more about our voting rights policy.

Joint progress

Joint progress in the form of networks, alliances and organizations pursues a common goal for the purpose of promoting the integration of ESG criteria in investment and business process in order to jointly build a better future. 

Combating climate change is the focus of our strategy, which is why we expect our asset managers to be especially active in this area in order to effect joint progress. 

UN-PRI Net Zero
Asset Manager Initiative
Science Based Targets Climate Action 100+ Task Force
Climate Disclosures

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